~penuh dgn barang2 kami~

~ im not 'sms'ing or 'call'ing but taking pictures coz the scenery is so breath taking~

~the crazy pilot n co pilot~

~our house in Manjung~

~muat tiga kereta tue~

~makan time in rumah baru(time ni sblm aircond di potong)~

Over the sea and far away
She's waiting like an Iceberg
Waiting to change,
But she's cold inside
She wants to be like
the water,

All the muscles tighten in her face
Buries her soul in one embrace
They're one and the same
Just like water

On comes the panic light
Holding on with fingers
and feelings alike
But the time has come
To move along

Then the fire fades away
But most of everyday
Is full of tired excuses

But it's too hard to say
I wish it were simple

But we give up easily
You're close enough to see that
You're.... the other side of the world

Can you help me?
Can you let me go
And can you still love me
When you can't see me anymore

i love this song, i love the lyrics, somehow i love to know what is the lyricist trying to tell, a song is like a story to me~~

study time~~~

~1st time jalan dari ward ke resource centre (RC)~

~melalui padang dan juga hostel2 house officer/houseman/junior doctors, owh 'N'ku hehe~

~bilik seminar yg sgt best n sejuk n refreshing~

~MCQ, cis nie time dah nk dekat exam nye pasal~

~resource centre yg ntah pape(geram sbb internet takde, buku lambat letak aish)~

~err bilik seminar juga bilik rehat :P~

~lunch hour~

as some of u know, i did my paediatric posting in Hospital Sri Manjung, Perak..as the so-called-pioneer for the posting in Manjung, there were a lot of difficulties that we faced but in the end we manage to get through all of the difficulties and enjoy ourselves. Here are the pictures taken there(seriously i kind of losing my touch in blogging i guess hurmm)..

~with our lecturer neonatal paediatrician, Dr. Azlina~

~with HSM paediatrician, Dr Khairi~

~wif Datin Dr Chan, consultant paediatrician, HSM~