9 april 2009- we r free from the ATM(Angkatan Tentera Malaysia)...thnk God but rase cam sedih gler nk tinggalkan En Yusri, En Ma Zairi, En wan, En Azman selaku fasi kami yg sgt comel..there's a lot, seriously i mean a lot to say but right now i really need to sleep first and rest b4 preparing to study for the disaster medicine and relief final exam...
*if u ask me how's terendak??
~seriously there's no words to describe how i feel about it but i wud definitely say "BEST" or "AWESOME".
Ape yg penting?
siswa siswi?
1st stage : assalamualaikum encik
2nd stage : semekom encik
3rd stage : skom cik
4th stage : 'sekocek'
*dalam keadaan sit up, kiraan 10, exercise mula!!!
terima kasih..
~kasih dipertimbangkan, terima belum tentu lagi, FAHAM???
~kasih diterima akhirnya~
6 hours ago
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