ntah nape tetibe rase cam down...hurm mane perginyer selera makan ku ini?? bosan aaaaaaaaaaaaaa..nak blk 19 jln sejahtera 7 skng gak...la la la la~
" I don't want to lose you,
but I don't want to use you
just to have somebody by my side.
there's a danger in loving somebody too much,
and it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust.
There's a reason why people don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes, love just aint enough."
and it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.
There's a reason why people don't stay who they are..."
About Me
Blog Archive
- it's ur heart u cant trust~
- how about that??
- numbness~
- so not into it~
- besties~
- seyes terharu~
- it's too late for u n ur white horse to come around
- ~no idea~
- ~this aint a fairytale~
- forever and always~
- proffesional exam preparation
- combination of BLS n transportation practical~
- WATeverR~
- NATO phonetic alphabet a.k.a the international rad...
- when ur fifteen
- that's what friends are for
- ~teman sejati~
- dinner 2
dearest bloggers
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15 years ago
arghhh mmg ak benci sgt sgt dgn bende nie..bende nie adelah ubat selsema actifed..ak rase cam makan dadah jer(ish ish cam penah try jer, tapi tak kay), walau mkn semalam b4 tdo tapi effect die perghh sampai dlm kelas ak rase cam high, flying kat awan n tak berpijak pd bumi yg nyata..menyampah betul aa ngn ubat nie..numb gler badan rase..hurm need to find sum1 who is caring enuf lerss beb 4 the future..n by the way jejaka2 cucms yg sudah membotakkan kepala mereka2 menyebabkan bahang terendak semakin dekat kepadaku, perghh cam nk gi berkhidmat kepada negara plak!!! kuatkan mental n physical dr sekarang~
p/s : tq so much nana sbb wat sme homework pada hari isnin walaupun kte partner, cam terharu gler sbb u wat sme, sob sob!!smoga Allah SWT memberkati hidup mu..
hepi burfday juga kepada x-rumate e-3.2 KMJ iaitu ms Rina, may Allah SWT bless u aways, tc dear..
to :
- cik nor liyana safura bt hashim
- cik nurul ashikin bt selamat
- cik saifaralina (safranine haha aseptic technique)
dgn ucapan,
rindu korang, serius cam byk sgt bende nak cte kat korang..jom hang out tkpun sleepover!! by the way wish u gurlz all the best utk final exam..
wahh sgt terharu, serius tk sangka!! act terharu sbb kene jawab soalan sctl public health nk cari carta organisasi Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia tapi tk asal ntah ku bukak2 page tue tak leh, asyik error jer so mcm dh putus asa, last2 mcm tawakal gak la anta email pada sme group tnye sape2 ader carta tue tak n seriously mcm tk sangka ader org nk reply tetibe mcm dlm 5 group anta n siap attach carta tue, so cam terharu sgt..thanx korang..
umi pesan pada ak, hidup nie jgn susah kan org lain, biar diri susah sikit dulu...tapi kdg2 kenape keadaan sgt tidak mengizinkan utk ak tidak menyusahkan org lain?? asal hypersensitivity tetibe!! kite slalu nk dpt kawan2 yg best, caring la, setia la, sggp wat ape saje utk diri kte tapi kdg2 kte terlupe utk jadi org mcm tu gak utk kawan kte..kawan time senang, gembira, suka mmg senang nak cari tapi kwn time sedih mmg susah nk cari n kdg2 tue mcm give up nk cari, kalau ader aderla, kalau takde takdelah..hopefully ape pengajaran yg ak dpt ialah kte perlulah menjadi seorg kwn yg baik kpd teman2 kte dulu, insyaallah barulah kte leh dpt jmpe teman2 sejati!!
~it's too late for u n ur white horse to come around~
now i know what she means by tak tahu!! i have to agree on that..chill la beb..
yes no maybe,
can u repeat the question.
ur not the boss of me now
ur not the boss of me now
ur not the boss of me now
and ur not so big
life is a mess>>>>>
Say your sorry
That face of an angel comes out
Just when you need it to
As I pace back and forth all this time
'Cause I honestly believed in you
Holdin' on
The days drag on
Stupid girl,I should've known
I should've known
That I'm not a princess
This ain't a fairytale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood
This is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you and your white horse
To come around
Maybe I was naive
Got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance
My mistake I didn't know to be in love
You had to fight to have the upper hand
I had so many dreams about you and me
Happy endings,
Now I know
And there you are on your knees
Beggin' for forgivness
Beggin' for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm soo sorry.....
That I'm not your princess
This ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually
Treat me well
This is a big world
That was a small town
There in my rear view mirror dissapearin' now
Now it's too late for you and your white horse
Now it's too late for you and your white horse
To catch me now.....
Whoa ohhh ohhh ohhh oh
Try and catch me now
It's too late.....
It seems to me
This thing is breaking down
We almost never speak
I don't feel welcome anymore
Baby what happened
Please tell me cause one second it was perfect
Now you're halfway out the door
And I stare, at the phone
He still, hasn't called
And then you feel so low you can't feel, nothing at all
And you flashback to when he said
Forever and always.....
1st of all, i wud like to thank the seniors, nabel,anuar n kak eda for spending ur time giving tips and the overview of prof exam!! sgt sgt cam tak rugi kot dtg walaupun lmbt sejam, cam sgt membantu membuka minda utk start study camner tapi gua juga amat amat cuak okay!!perghh cam nak amik spm jer debaran nyer!! tapi nk mintak maaf gak kat the seniors coz gua kluar camtu jer tanpe ckp tq or ape2, rase cam agak 'kurang' di situ(ntah knp ntah cam kurang sopan sgt time tue, ish aliah2)..
okay fine prof exam exact date is 12th june 2009..have to start the discussion now!!
yeay baru dpt tulis pasal BLS sbb baru dpt gambar dr org2 yg mempunyai hp camera!! apekah itu BLS?? BLS means basic life support, basic thing yg perlu tau dlm BLS ialah A,B,C-Airway, Breathing and Circulation..best2 cume agak penat time buat CPR sbb dada patung tu sgt keras!!these are some of the pictures taken at Sungai Merab(ak ingt Sg Merak) :
~my 1st kiss of life~
~sakit gak tgn nak wat bnd nie~
~prof ikram tgh tunjukkan camner nak angkat satu patient~
~correct way on how to carry a person~
~using stretcher~
~tak tau aa nape patient tue senyum gak~
~lawa tak zue n bhav balut kepala kami hehe~
can u please stop it?
ak sgt penat dan letih,
just please ignore me,
please stay away from me,
ur voice is killing me!!
u r not a friend of mine,
i dont even know what is friend actually!!
gagagaga~bilekah all of this going to end????
You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
It's the morning of your very first day
And you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybody's way
It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
For the next four years in this town
Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
"You know, I haven't seen you around before"
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out
Well, count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be
You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
And soon enough you're best friends
Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
We'll be outta here as soon as we can
And then you're on your very first date and he's got a car
And you're feeling like flying
And you're momma's waiting up and you're thinking he's the one
And you're dancing 'round your room when the night ends
When the night ends
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
When you're fifteen and your first kiss
Makes your head spin 'round
But in your life you'll do things greater than
Dating the boy on the football team
But I didn't know it at fifteen
When all you wanted was to be wanted
Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
Who changed his mind and we both cried
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall
I've found time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen
Your very first day
Take a deep breath girl
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors
to be alone by myself in this cruel world is difficult for me therefore im so thankful to have friends...lagu ni sgt2 shahdu dan pilu(ayat tak bleh blah di situ), sgt2 teringt kawan2 time kecik2 dulu,viviani, men barbie doll same2 sampai tak nak blk rumah, then haziq yg slalu nek basikal jumpe kat simpang jln pinjam buku kawan(unfortunately u dont remember me now but i remember everything about u la dude)then amy, nadia, amar and wan!! suke men ngn amar sbb abg n wan ske buli die, dah laa die kecik cam comel gler!!teringin nak jumpe u guys now..then shuhaidah my best fren time sekolah rendah, slalu dgn ak walaupun ak muke kene buli asyik nangis, sgt sedih time nak pindah dr uda dulu hehe tapi bleh plak berjumpe kat matrix yerk..how was i back then guys??? do u like me as ur friend?? r u guys really sincerely want me as friend??? then time kat tamn u darjah 3 baru pindah, yana the 1st person to menghulurkan salam persahabatan time ak tgh layan blues kat tepi padang sekolah(i still remember that time). have you ever regret "menghulurkan tgn"(tk tau nk translate dlm bhs eng) to me? to all my friends out there?? im sorry for not being a very good friend to u guys but insyaallah i'll be here whenever you needed a friend!!!hopefully i wont ever hurt my friends's feeling!! if i do, then i seek for forgiveness!!!!kepada saudari2 n saudara2 practikum hayat 19 kmj 06/07, how r u guys??mira n mai, how r u guys coping in the medical field??mari buat reunion ramai2(ceh padahal gua bz memanjang, ntah ape yg bz pun tak tau ar)..salleh, thnx for being there for me, u rox(jom pi tgk jason myraz sesame)..dan untuk seluruh kwn2 ku, dari kecik smpai la sekarang(except for nana hahaha gurau jerk), ku dedicate kan lagu ini untuk kalian semua!!
xoxo(tiru beqsy yg sexy nyer trademark)
~adibah nor yg sgt sporting sebagai artis bayaran~hehe thnx sbb make our dinner cam lgi best gitu~
(YM 3 members, yeay we did it)
(with our mentor, prof Nasar)
(era n me on action as the usherer)
(gambar curi 1, debaran b4 majlis start)
(waiting for my turn)
(thanx aroy sbb tolong walaupun u dtg lambat n i gelabah gler)
(testing one two three, thnx club gitar bg pinjam u guys nyer amp)
(tachycardia, increase HR)
(mane satu camera pun gua dah kompias)
(thnx kak mie bli satu table)
(kak mie n daniel)
(with along, thnx for jadi mak andam sekejap)