hurm td gi tgk keadaan cactus then tgk2 mine is like growing madly..
mie : nana tgk kte nyer cactus besar kan
nana : a'a la, awk kene tukar pasu n beli tanah
mie : kat ner yg terdekat a?
nana : alamanda
mie : aduh jauh 2, hurm abislaa die mati nanti tk ckp nutrient(concern)
nana : aliah aliah..
hehe sometimes i get overreacted la, well sort of a drama queen. c i told them i want to join the drama club but hehe afraid i will get rejected.
~sdg belek2 cactus tetibe tgk cactus mickey mouse parvin dah tumbuh anak2 die(comel) hehe, mesti die suke~so i took the picture of all our cactus. then ask nana to comment on my photographer skill(yeah rite) hehe..
mie : nana tgk aa gmbr cactus2 nie
nana : sedih
mie : pahal plak sedih2
nana : ye laa cam cactus tu melambangkan kte berlapan(era,aliah,nana,zu,parvin,bhavani,midah n shashu)..then kan next year M11 terpisah
mie : alamak betul laa..
~ktrg termenung seketika~(nak gossip susah a pas ni hehe)
hurm takpela walaupun group berpecah tapi kte still the best group eva, rmmbr wat prof zauyah(prof rindu kat prof) say "M11 never let me down or sume mentee die comel2 cam mentor die gak hehe".. remember all the fun that we have..maybe ader hikmah disebalik die wat grouping baru tu so that we can adapt to changes easily, nanti clinical years pun lagi laa berpecah..ish tak sangka dah nak abis 1st year..
A friend is like a heart,
that goes strong until the end,
Where would we be in this world,
If we didnt have a friend..
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