saya rasa tersentuh....
1. to see bro hugging her mom
2. dengan isya ketika berkongsi fahri dgn maria
3. when die kene marah
4. ketika melihat video yg zaizul bg pd bro
5. when a friend of mine said "kat rumah, tkd sape nak kisah ttg dia"
6. when she said sumthing hurt
7. dgn phisiology
8. when they look so cute together
9. apabila saya lapar(mcm tkd kaitan jer)
10. when i hear the sound of piano
1 day ago
many things happened.. sum we hv d control on to and sum we dun.. wut we cn control is the before it happened.. and of course we cant control when it had happened.. but it dosent matter really.. wat matters is dat no matter wat, u learn sth frm it, and dat sth is inside u dat no one hav the right to judge upon.. =) slamat hari raye aliah musa.. walau video yg zaizul bg kat bro tuh sounds provokasi gitu, tapi takpe, maaf zahir batin je lah... =p
muah2. raye, raye jugak.. jgn lupe pade insan yg tak bernaseb baeks.. hulur2 kan lah mane yg termampu.. wasalam~~
tc bro..
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