Dear Aliah,

how's life?
-ok i guess

how's study?
-erm insyaallah everything's fine oh except for when beqsy-terdew remind us about proffsnl exam yg bakal menjelang tidak lame lagi(bulan 6)..sgt cuak sbb langsung tak start study lgi..

how's ur relationship with people around u?
-erm that question shud be specific, i dont know how to ans it..ask the people arround me to find out..

how's ur young mercy project?
-i'm so damn cuak coz i dont noe ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH just lets pray that we'll make it, pray for us okay!!!

how about ur health?
-i'm sick physically(tetibe ader rashes here and there plus fever) n mentally(exhausted from everything)

r u happy??
-obviuously not at the moment, to maany things bothering me...

anything u want to tell me?
-everything!!please please help me!!!!!