rappers --> anand
fashion --> evin
drunk --> belum ader lg, insyaallah takd.
talkative --> ramai kot
emo --> chris
in love --> ramai kot
artist --> fizie n ely
spiritual --> humairah anak pakcik harun
serious --> ape ek name bdk chinese depan bilik time kat matrix, luper a tp slalu ajar ak math n kimia..
sleepy --> MId...
funny --> thaqif n the geng
studious --> Queen B
cool --> shikin
violent --> amirul (kwn time tadika)--ske gigit org
crazy --> hehe
rarely -->ape nie?? NANA kot hehehehe
preety --> taylor swift haha (sure btl member kamcing, tk tipu tau)
air head --> tk tau ar
simple --> yana,saifa
sporty --> shikin
musician --> hizami, jason, amy, faiz,
rockers --> bonjovi(bf lame)
hyperactive --> zati, iba, wahida, rina, nad
singer --> zati, munir,
sk8ter --> avril lavinge(childhood friend)
bajiltos --> ape nih???
high --> ha?WTH
proud --> ade laa malas nk ckp!!
1 day ago
ohho. aku dapat 2 nomination. weee. cool n sporty. yeah2. *peace*
i was tagged!
ingat DM, ingat I ok!
good luck pro makchicks ku!
hahaha thank u for the nomination... :P kat FB pun ramai letak aku sbgai fashion!!! hahaha entah la nape.. :P anyways i got new hairstyle... check out kt fb ok... muax muax love u!!!!
hehehehe.. rare??? aper yg rare nye?? sbb i comel sgt ker?
to evin : hehe ak tgk ko cm dh transform gler2 so ble ak pikir2 blk time ko sekolah dulu confirm ak gelak..
to nana : rare tue mksdnyer cm tk pernah jmpe...anda memang 'comel'(nana kdg2 kte terpaksa menipu utk menggembirakan hati kwn)
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