wow wat a hectic crazy weak, well erm tbl was ok, seminar was ok but ccp was not ok! case presentation nill(have to finish type it n read all off it asap, im behind the schedule). terendak was hurmmm okay, diffrnt atmosphere(tak leh tulis pnjg2 nie, have to do read my case, duhhhhhh)..act i dont really noe what to write so i guess why dont we just enjoy the pictures, rite??is it!!!!

(neesa,iffah, mum a.k.a datuk michelle, abel, me n kambing hitam putih hehe a.k.a ainun)

(games with kor kesihatan people)

(di tepi pantai yg la la)

(gaduh ngn ainun sebab...hehe)


hamboiiii tgk title tuuu tak takot kaaa? hahahahahah

aliah ni selain mum juga adelah seorg yg bertopeng (wlpun mum dah lg kronik lah kan topeng dah calar2 sket) hahah dlm diam aliah menyimpan perasaan kat ketua wakakaka


best la terendak!! ape "ok"?? hahah

wah cik abel, i tidak menyimpan sebarang perasaan okay!! hehe ok ok ok ok ok ko ko ko ko..(be specific yarr)

thanks for visiting my blog yg tak berapa canggih. ni pun baru tau saya boleh pegi visit blog followers. oh alangkah tidak majunya. anyway, good luck and take care.

hehe no prob sir, kn blaja prlhn2..nyway blog sir kan masuk nst, pergh famous tue!