Definition :

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test that records the electrical activity of the heart.

the placement of ECG leads in patient ;

(how to perform ecg)

(cardiac conduction)

(the cardiac cycle=how heart work)

this is the question asked by my lecturer which i couldn't really answer it..

why use only 10 wires but 12 leads?

- A lead is a view of the electrical activity of the heart from a particular angle across the body, obtained by using different combinations of these wires. Leads are pictures, you cannot point to one of the wires or electrodes on the patient and say "this is lead so and so", to say this you would have to point to a "group" of wires.To obtain a 12 lead ecg you would have 4 wires attached to each of the limbs, and six wires placed around the chest, 10 wires in total but you get 12 "leads" or pictures.