yesterday b4 i went to dreamland, ntah cmner la bleh teringt nak bgi msg frenzship to my as the story goes,the next morning(which is just now), this one guy frenz of mine started bombarding me with weird questions, ala pasal frenship laa, couple laa watever laa kan..n utk tidak mengecikkan hati die, layan jer aaa..n tetibe ntah camner he confess to me that he used to like me n the cutest part was that he said he used to 'perasan' that i like him too which is UNTRUE hehe coz i had crush with his friend la pulak...but seriously i never ever thought that he fancies me laa sbb he is damn gorgeous(trust me) n he got like millions of admirers including my friends(sorry korng sape kah org itu biarlah menjadi rahsia kami, hehe ayat yg tk bleh blah)..then i replied to him that its normal laa kan crush2 nie time skool, hari nie suke org nie n then the next day suke org lain plak,nyway this whole 'puppy love' thing wont last long, tak ke mana pun kan(ader gak laa yg berpanjangan)...n the sweetest part is that die dah ader gf dah pun skrng so may u guys live hepily ever after n thnx for the wish n ur honesty(cume ur honesty agak lmbat laa dude) hehe...
1 day ago
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