oh my god...ni sume usin(my cousin) punyer pasal,suh gua masuk page tak gune tue, ckp ramai family sndri belah arab..now im having fight with the so-called-arabic people..mmg aaa ak bukan arab pure..mntg2 aa gua arab celup, mak gua jer yg al-habshi pastu nak kutuk ak perasan arab, wat the hell mcm korng bagus sgt aaa, gua pun tk ingin maa status2 tue, kalo korng kenal aaa sape baba ak baru aa krg tau ak cucu sape... dah tentu ayah ak org melayu, dah tu tk puas hati plak..sedih seh camnie ker dgn sikap perkauman camner aa nak maju...mntg2 aa sape2 perempuan arab yg kawin bukan arab kene kutuk habis2an, dah tue karang kawin ngn sedara sndiri aa camtu...walaupun my mom srg jer yg tk kwn ngn arab so mndpt tentngan jugak dulu2 hehe bgs aaa seb baik jumpe ayah kalo tak mesti gua pening kepala nk cari mamat arab gak though they r tak dinafikan mmg gud looking....
1 day ago
bro, i remember a lot of ppl telling me dat i dun look like my mother dat much..or i dun look so much beautiful compared to my hensem bro. dey even made fun of me, saying i wus a lot huge than her, a lot rude than her, and d list goes on.. it hurts, juz like d way it hurts when orang2 itu mengata kamu.. yg bukan2 tak msuk akal.. but sumhow nowdays i dun feel dat sad nemore cuz usually i'll cry teresak2 n my mum teangkan ckp, kakak,anak mak..biarlah ape org nak ckp.. but i dun depend on my mother words of comfort nemore. i told dem back, so wut? so wut if i dun look exactly like mum? or anything beautiful like her?so wut if i wus a lot gemok and besar than her? than i realize its only us ourselves that hv the key ANd power to allow ourselves to b hurt by those entah ape2 ppl.. got it? =) hee. c u soon!
anytime, bro.. anytime.. ;)
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