aduhai malas nyer rase harini, tak tau nape, nk gi klaz tadi pun hehe mls gak sbb ader PBL jer..ktrg(ak, nana n zue) naik teksi gi cucms sbb isha tak blk lg so smpai2 dpn main camp jer...
abg mizi : fuiyoo naik teksi tue
kami : gelak jer aaa
hari ni PBL agak slow skit, otak tak leh nak pikir sgt n bhav n parvin absent due to deepavali but ape2 pun best sbb dpt prof asmadi n the topic pun agak baru bagi kami iaitu painful coitus + infertility + dysmenorrhea..
prof asmadi : act ape prob org nie???
org 1 : painful coitus
org 2 : dysmenorrhea
org 3 : pain on the left iliac fossa radiating to the left loin
prof asmadi : 2 jer??
kami : err think so
prof asmadi : do u think its normal for a couple who have been married for 3 years for not having any children???
kami : err tak tak
prof asmadi : so what we call that??
org 4 : mandul ker
prof asmadi : yeah, but what we call that in a scientific name?
kami : blurrrrrr..ntah laaa, ape ek??
prof asmadi : pernah dgr infertility??
kami : owhhhhh infertile..betul betul ( aduh asal la kami nie slow sgt harini n kenape laa ak tk bace b4 masuk pbl nie aish)
isha : haish patient nie kesian betul, mcm2 die ader, dah la ader dua cysts, then pain during intercourse, pastu takde anak, pastu sakit at the left iliac fossa..perghh byk tue die sakit, sian betul..but im not sure what's the underlying cause.
1 day ago
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