seriously, what's so interesting in reproductive system?? hurm now i noe y are they so excited about it, but for me!!!!!!!
prof : Aliah..
aku la nie : gulp, please make it an easy one, please please(monolog dalaman jer la)
prof : the ventral and dorsal surface of the penis faces????
diriku lagi : shoot, takde answer, sape la yg jwb soalan nie, mmg nak kene btl(monolog dalaman)..pandang kanan(seb baik ader mimi)..mimi2 ape group korng answer??
mimi : bla bla bla
then ak pun jwb la ngn tk confident langsung ape jwpn yg mimi bg tue..then...
Prof : ape die?
Aku : jwb benda yg same..
Prof plak cam tk yakin jer ngn jawapan ku itu, so he start drawing in front pastu tetibe..
Prof : aliah come in front n draw the penis..
Aku : mati laa tk tau(ckp dlm hati)..smbil mengeleng2 kepala...
Prof : ok tak payah lukis but hold this model(male genital organ nyer model) n show me which is the ventral and which is the dorsum
aku : (tgn dh terketar-ketar nie)
Prof : tunjuk la cepat, berdiri so every one can see..(dgn spontan nyer die ckp) "takyah la takut2 tue bukan the real penis pun(senyum)
*berderai ketawa dari satu kelas including my groupmates(gler2 aa diorng gelak cam nak pecah hall)....aku dr jd tak malu terus malu, segan's not that i takut to hold "it" but masalahnye mmg tak tau nak tunjuk camner..aish serve me rite, sape suh tak prepare b4 the kelas..
nasib nasib..
after dah duduk balik n setelah muka nie tebal mcm dinding konkrit n panas gler, ak pun ckp kat nana n era...
aku : i hate p****
era n nana : bhav, aliah hate p****
bhav : then u would not have a football team la kalau camtu
aku : (oh my god, at this point pun diorng bleh wat lawak)
p/s to myself, make sure u prepare b4 class..
by the way thanx to sape2 yg membantu tadi, mimi, naji, midah n my groupmates(walaupun krg gelak kan kuat gler)
1 day ago
ala skali skala buat class mate epi ape salahnyer.hehe
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