wow x1000000..i cant believe wat i just knew, damn, one of my classmate in primary school just added me in fb n GUESSSS what, she's MARRIED, dude and already bless with a CHILD, wow wow n wow(ok ini terlalu dramatik yer cik aliah, sila hentikan segera)..hehe ok la im just too excited to write it down, well she's married without many of us knowing it, maybe sbb lost contact kot..hurm skenyer tgk die ngn darling die n baby diorng, sweet sgt, well aqidah, to u n ur hubby i wish a very hepy n mery life smpai ke akhir hayat!!! n ak tak tau np recently byk org yg terdekat akan berkahwin, hurmmmmmmmmm what is this ha?????
1 day ago
she's my coursemate la kat sini dear..
frankly, when i look at her,
i'm like wondering, whether i can survive if to get married at such young age...
obviously, she survived..
i juz hv doubts on myself... ;)
yeah i br tau sbb tgk gmbr kat fb die, wow korng satu course rupenyer, ish ish wat a small world...haha u pun nk kawen ea????
choco-dillo-lillo:laaa ur coursemate ke? wow! lawwww!!!! jealousy in the air :P ttbe rse nak amek law plak balik :P
aliah: tuh la aliah. kite tau pun dari mak kite. sebab tuh ari die kawen kat alumni utm. T___T tsk. rasa cam tak caya gak. sangat TERKEZUT kayh
nk kawen la sgt..
calon pon xde..
demanding sgt.. ngeee~~
tunggu la tbe mase y seswai bru pikir... ;)
kin : btl2 tak caye hehe
hajar : tkp mmg kene pilih wat, kawin nie bkn men2..:)
nak kawen jugak a camtu..wekeke.. =p yeyyy kawennnnn....heee...
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