~arghh nape laa test td sgt SAKIT urghhh prof jaya nyer soklan okay laa(1-10) tpi start soklan 11 jer dah macam WAT THE hell, warghh mmg prof nasa btl2 amik dari buku tapi mane laa nak bce, sedih tol huhu, dah laa krg tdo erghhh...tapi bersangka baik jer laa, mayber prof nak naik kan standrd soklan sbb nanti takde laa org ckp CUCMS low stndrd, bleh join venture ngn oxford laaa, WATEVER~p/s yerklaaa sape ntah ckp prof jaya jerk yg wat soklan, hmpeh tol~
~nape laa ngn gastric jus ku ini?~
~thnx Dr Hamidah 4 the ferrerro rocher~
~time reflexion :
Dr Hamidah : so ape isu kte hari nie?
Sum1 : ha pasal Dr M kuar umno
SUm1 : zue wats ur opinion??
zue : i think bla bla bla(dgn smagtnyer die ckp smpai sume gelak, well the next org politik la nie hehe..seriously i wasnt really payng attntn to wat she said)
Bhav : dr hamidah, y dont u ask parvin...(sweet face)
Dr Hmdah : ok then..
Parvin : dr hamidah, seriously i wasnt fllwng any politic isu or watsoever, bhav just want to kenekan me(gua kat sebelh dh ckp, parvin just say laa anything..tapi sume dah gelak2 so shashu backup parvin, parvin safe)
then out of the blue moon, tetibe ckp pasal kursus kawn n 'the that thing', i was like "have we ulngi semula ape yg berlaku time kursus tu, OMG mntg2 laa sume gurls..WATEVER...then Dr hamidah stat laa ckp lelaki yg kawin 2,3,4 or poligami n said wat r the men think...I was so not in the mood to say anything just dgr jer laa mlas aaaa....shashu ckp "abg, saye relakan"(tk bleh belah haha sbb tetibe jer die ckp)...dulu rasenyer sum1 ask me kalau bermadu nk jd isteri no brape??? then a'a laa asal I never aswer pun soklan tu ha??(brape a????kalau yg plg muda mesti disygi tp yg 1st dikasihi betul tak???ye jerk, alaaaa malas aaa pikir bende2 nie, sakit otak jerk..eee ape pikir pasal kawin nie, blaja ternget nget lagi haha(bahasa apekah ini)..
~akhir skali DR hamidah conclude kan yg LOVE IS BLIND..abis cter..~
1 day ago
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