i dont know why but suddenly this whole "af" thing came to me like mad errr takde laa smpai camtu skali cume cam tetibe terLIKE plak kat Nubhan, well i think his performance quite gud u noe, that's y laa..jarang act utk meminati artis malay nie well except for taufik batisah(s'pore idol n teman anugerahku nyer actors) hehe...Nubhan dpt masuk final, YEAY..but i never even vote for him laa, so salleh cdgn ko utk srh gi bli tiket final af tu cam tak logik di situ haha...quite sad act tk dpt tgk smlm but thanx to all my informers :

  1. zubeq
  2. salleh
  3. era
  4. bekla n afiq(although korng tipu kakak, hampeh tol)