comel nyer baby nie, cam nk gigit pipi die...ergghh..btw this is daniel, my cousin sister's son!!!
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Blog Archive
- babiess~~~~~
- ~putrajaya II~
- ~not so well done~
- mmm mknan yg best kat cs~
- elective oh elective~
- ~sesuatu telah berlaku~
- selamat datang ke PUTRAJAYA~
- if you could see me now~
- saving me~
- when no one understand u................
- ~achievement~
- attn to those people!!!!!!!!
- day 5 + day 6~(part two)
- p/s i love you
- day 5 + day 6~(part one)
- hijrah~
dearest bloggers
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15 years ago
last week, i went putrajaya to clean up the house with nana..n....ape agak2nyer perasaan biler dah pasang langsir nie, n turns out that...
~sabo jer la time dah pasang, tk muat plak, tau tak camner nk pasang, sbb kan tdke tangga terpaksa ak panjat tingkap tue cam spiderman, frust betul~
moral of the story : never ever wat assumption ske2 hati jer n lain kali ukur dulu sblm pasang...sigh
last night, my aunt ask me to accompany her to meet fellow friends. i agree to follow her as i never been to jusco bukit indah before. at 1st, my aunt thought that i know how to get there, unfortunately i dont(did i mention that i got lost on my way to my BEST friend's house, which is like 5 minutes from my house?). luckily there's GPS to help us to get there(i know someone must be laughing reading this,u know who u r).
we had our dinner at this one western restaurant, i like the decoration of the restaurant, it make u feel like u'r in a jungle, with all the trees, bushes and fake fire flame-like light here and there, the only thing that missing would be monkeys or snakes(seriously hehe).my aunt and me ordered sirloin steak and we thought that usually the chef will cook the steak for us, rite?but turn out we have to kind of grill it ourselves....
(i almost vomit seeing this raw meat, yucksss the only person who can eat this is my bro)
(thank God, this man help us to cook our steak, and my aunt's friends were like, amboi manjanye nak makan pun kene wat kan hehe..n this man was like sgt2 la baik smpai siap tambahkan gravy at my steak once in a while and my aunt's friends said this to me "aik layanan istimewa plak pd aliah, jgn terpikat sudah ".hehe nope nope, btw he's fr nepal or bangladesh i guess)
~u have to cut the meat into pieces so that it'll cook faster on the hot stove~
~taddddaaaa, finally, they r cooked and well done~
~burppp, mine finish alrdy ermmm excpt for the "lemak2" that can block ur blood vessels~
im having trouble with my elective report, it seems like i dont really know how to do it although queen B n er-er have explain to me how they do it!!!sigh.....
br pas tgk harry potter td, n i was thinking of commenting the movie but smtg hpn n i dont think im in a mood to write in here so adios!
fiuh alhamdullillah, my family and i just came back from putrajaya(just reach my house n so so tired n sakit bahu, nak tukang urut pleaseeeee).act kan byk gler nak share dlm blog nie since yesterday, siap gua dah bikin ayat awal2 tue tuk letak dlm blog tapi cam ni kpl nga mamai n pnat so tulis jer ape yg ingt dulu..sok2 gua tambah!
alkisahnyer bermula la perjalanan kami(ak, my mom, aiman n afiq) untuk gi putrajaya atas dua sebab, 1st sbb tuk angkut brg2 ak n bli prabot utk rumah baru kat putrajaya(lawa tau umah ktrg, jgn jelesss) then 2nd sbb nk cari umah utk my dad kat ak nak citer skit ar journey ktrg camner kan, bertolak dr jaybee roughly dlm kul 9 n seriously i wasnt feeling quite well with all the pms thing and cramp watsoever so tau2 jer la perfume kat badan dah berbau tiger bam hehe i like!!
sampai kat mane ntah change driver, ak la plak drive..1st time bwk saga drive jauh, ak cam mula2 cool jer la, drive dgn sgt bersopan santun nyer 100 km/j sbb dh kene warning awal2, skali mak ak tido jer, ak per lagi press minyak smpai tetibe cam kete vibrate, ak pun pndg ar cermin blakang smbl bermonolog dalaman "eh takde pun optimus prime, asal kete gegar"(sila jgn terinfluence dr movie yer rakan2). rupe2nye ak tgk meter 140km/j, pecah record hidup ak. then cam takut so slow down, tetibe lagi PAP!!! polis kat depan, perghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...(ikuti perbualan ak)
my mom : (terjaga dr tdo).."kan umi dh ckp td bwk prlhn jer, 110 cukup la...bla bla bla"
ak : peluh sejuk dah nie(jgn la kene tahan)
my mom : "mesti kene tahan la nie..bla bla bla"
ak : (dh tak tau nk wat pe so cam) "rabbiyasir walatu asir ya karim"(ak bc byk2 kali smbil buat muka siuman kat pakcik polis yg hensem(terus jer la hensem sbb tk nak kene tahan nyer pasal)
pakcik polis : tunjuk tgn suh jalan
ak : stop kete sbb cam tak caye hehehe! tue la len kali jgn bwk laju2.
smpai2 kat putrajaya trus gi umah pakcik then gi SK bli brg2 then gi umah sewa kat putrajaya, presint 14. janji ngn shashu nk jmpe kat umah sbb kunci pade shashu..dh kemas2 n angkut2 brg tetibe shashu nk try kunci bilik ak n then kunci tue takd rupenye, so trpksa call parvin mintak kunci n malam tue gi mid valley utk amik kunci kat parvin..pastu dh kul 10.30 pm camtu trus pecut gi cyberjaya untk amik brg2 lame yg masih tinggal..smpai2 cyberia kul 11.20 pm, ak pun turun kat pondok jaga..
ak : d-27-b smbl bg lesen
jaga : kak, smpai kul 12 pm jer bleh smbl gelak2 ngn kwn die(menyampah btl ak)
ak : tau la, mcm ak tk tinggal sini jer dulu, blah la muka kerek gler!(tue ak ckp dlm hati jer la kan)
then angkut2 brg2, turun naik tangga smpai 4,5 kali n last2 ak palpitation n cam nak pitam sbb tk makan n terlalu penat so cepat2 ak masuk dlm kete duk n try releks..fuh~ then dh dlm kete tue utk blk smla ke rumah pakcik ak tetibe....
ak : eh bau gas laa
lil bro : ape kakak nie, tk bau pape pun
ak : ye la bau, kuat la, makin kuat(start to panic)
lil bro : mane ade..
lil cousin : bakar hidung sumbat
lil sis : aiman pun bau la
ak : btl2 kuat sgt la kat blakng,jgn2 tong gas tue bocor tak(start glabah)
lil bro : ape kakak nie, mane ader bleh bocor
ak : ap plak tk bleh(no wonder im not in the engineering field, im so dead glabby)
lil bro : eh mcm bau plak la
lil cousin : ape kau nie afiq, td kate tkd then ade
ak : bukak tingkap la, cpat2 tutup aircond(start to think wat if it explode???)
my mom n big sis : just silent(i guess they r to tired to layan my panic attack..
ak : just praying n try to stay calm
hahaha pelik plak bler ak ingt blk, ntah pape la ak leh pikir camtu(patut ar diorng kate ak drama queen)..well maybe sbb penat sgt kot n smpai2 jer umah pakcik trus tdo~
~no 6, presint 14B 1/7, putrajaya~(can't wait to have my own house someday, insyaallah)
~ cubaan mereka gagal untuk membuka pintu yg sudah terkunci(ramai gler ea org cube termasuk org yg tolong angkut brg dr lori tue hehe tq tq walaupun gagal smenyer)~
~dr tingkat 16 mentari courts apartment, gigil kaki ak tgk bwh~
~act kan nak cter yg ader org dating makan nasi lemak cam picnic gitu kat dpn swimmg pool tue(membuatkan ak pn nk mkn nasi lemak takp2 nanti ak wat kat umah mkn dpn kolam ikan),romantic ar konon hehe tapi tak kan ar nk amik gmbr diorng, kang diorng ingt ak stalker plak~
~sempat tue sopping flip flop kat alamanda sat~
finally, mase dtg kl, ak still ikut slogan nie "ikut kiri kecuali memotong" tapi blk tadi ak tukar "ikut kanan kecuali dipotong or when di HIGH beam oleh kete blakang!:PP..
***adoi ble la nk kemas umah putra tue nanti..ade sape2 nk tolong???***
finally i manage to finish reading the novel 'if you could see me now' written by Cecelia Ahern(p/s i love u writer) within 2 and a half day(wow what an achievement)..
synopsis :
~From the internationally bestselling author of PS, I LOVE YOU, a lively and romantic novel about two lost souls who find each other in the most unexpected way.
Everything in Elizabeth Egan’s life has its place, from the espresso cups in her gleaming kitchen to the swatches and paint pots of her interior design business. Order and precision keep life under control—and keep Elizabeth’s heart from the pain and hurt she has suffered in the past. Being a reluctant mother to her six-year-old nephew while trying to keep her business on track is a full-time job for Elizabeth, and one that leaves little room for error—or fun.
Until, one day, Ivan unexpectedly comes into their lives. The mysterious Ivan is carefree, spontaneous and always looking for adventure—everything that Elizabeth is not. If You Could See Me Now is the extraordinary tale of Ivan and Elizabeth. Of how Ivan meets the love of his life before she even sees him, and how he teaches her that life is only worth living when it's blindingly colourful and the occasional mess. Yet just when Elizabeth is starting to trust him, it turns out that Ivan isn't at all who she thought he was.
Playful and at times intensely moving, this is a novel about how seeing isn't always believing. Full of Cecelia Ahern’s trademark warmth and poignancy, If You Could See Me Now is a story of enormous heart--and just a little bit of magic.
comment :
~im speechless cause the story is so damn touching and funny at the same time!!!this book is really good for people who have lots of imagination and fantasy cause it involve imaginary friends(ala org putih kan slalu ader bnd2 nie)...pergi la bace, tak rugi nye!!
unforgettable quotes :
~"dont ever take for granted when people look in your eyes-you've no idea how important it is to be acknowledged, even if it is with an angry glare. it's when they ignore you, when they look right through you, that you should start worrying."Ivan.
~ when you drop a glass or a plate to the ground it makes a loud crashing sound. when window shatters, a table leg breaks, or when a picture falls off the wall it makes a noise. but as for your heart, when that breaks, it's completely silent. you would think as it's so important it would make the loudest noise in the whole world, or even have some sort of ceremonious sound like the gong of a cymbal or the ringing of a bell. but it's silent and you almost wish there was a noise to distract you from the pain.
~(this one i like so so much).."imagine not meeting someone because you loved them so much. imagine hurting someone, making them feel lonely, angry and unloved because you think it's the best for them."
~ "she was better than pizza, better than olives, better than fridays and better than spinning and even these days when she is no longer with us - and im supposed to say this - of all my friends, Elizabeth egan was by far my favourite,"Ivan
dear me,
oh my god, wth happen to u lately? wat's wif the sad story la ape la tue? y cant u be more grateful yer? enuf is enuf, u have to cheer up n start to let go of all the stupid feeling at once or else erkkk(buat tanda tangan zass kat leher).nyway mungkin semua ini adalah ujian yg perlu dihadapi, btl tak?? ingt senang2 jer bleh goyang kaki n ceria selalu nak hidup dlm dunia nie(tipu la tue excpt dlm tom tom bak). nak tunggu org selamat kan, alamatnya tk selamat la nanti so selamatkan la diri anda sendiri sblm diselamatkan(erkk ak dah tersampuk anak pakcik selamat nyer bahasa plak nie hehe sory kin).people make mistake u noe, that's y they r call human being n that's y juga kene selalu bertaubat(penuh keinsafan).kesilapan mendewasakan kte(ni cam ayat nana).people may hurt u but hey bukankah saling memaafi itu ahli syurga? biarlah ape pun org nk buat but make sure to stand for urself n never let them kick u down coz they dnt have the right to do that(seyes tiru ayat oprah)..there r so much more to life than the stupid little thing, so stop thinking about not being in this world!!!(bkn la nk commit suicide, nauzubillah).n by the way mungkin untuk melihat org lain gembira kte perlu korbankan kegembiraan sndiri n maybe kegembiraan org lain itu akan menggembirakan kte(lagi skali ayat putar). so hati, jgn kau bersedih, put up a heppy smile and start to cheer up..(ape yg ada dlm hati, biarlah menjadi rahsia kau seorang, acecey, ayat karat gler)
p/s --> woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets(quotes fr titanic)..wat u think i might be thinking may be wrong so let it be n go figure out~~~~
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna runaway?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No one ever lied straight to your face
No one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
Never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
things that i achieve today :
1. manage to go to the SDJO without being lost
2. manage to get back home from SDJO using the correct roads(finally, after so many attempt)
3. manage to drive kat 'jalan ular'(perghh best seyhh, nak 'drift' lagi)
4. manage to buy spaggetti at pizza hut(which masih ader dlm esbox n tak bersentuh coz umi masak spaggetti gak..tahniah)
5. manage to NOT buying any shoes(tgk pun tidak tau sob sob)
6. manage to survey the clothes price(hehehehe i think it's time but wait till this thursday for the sale)~hey ive been very good okay for not sopping anything..
7. manage to buy a novel, 'If u could see me now' by cecelia Ahern..(sigh kenape lah jadi rambang mata ble nk beli novel erghhhhhh)
i hate it, i mean really really really REALLY HATE it when people ask me to do something i DO NOT want u understand me?? do i make myself clear?? so shut ur big mouth pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! if u cant stand it, just get out of my life or my way, watever~
tq 4 ur cooperation~
okay skng smbung lagi part 2,(act malas nk citer panjang2 so just describe gune gmbr jer la ea)..
petang hari..
~Mr. Ravi sdg bg briefing pada ahli persatuan pekak bisu Malaysia~
~baby yg sgt comel~
~check in..hurm not bad, romantic tue hehe~
~luckly ader heater~
dinner malaysian deaf association.....
ha kalau nk tau diorng nie sme kreatif tau, diorng ader wat sketsa la, lawak gler, sme org 'gelak' excpt ak sbb ak tak paham..then majlis makan malam tue ak rase agak kurang teratur kot coz ramai yg tak dpt mkn n tempat tue panas kot..n mcm tkd isi sgt kot..n mcm susunan meja pun tk brp ok coz org tak dpt nk tumpu dkt pentas!!(sadly speaking, ak rase tersisih kat situ coz i cant communicate with the deaf community that well and so i really feel alone n homesick,seyes tk tipu) tapi bile ak pikir2 blk kan, cube pikir kalau mcm mane agakknye perasaan org yg deaf tue berada di tgh2 org2 yg not deaf???mesti same cm ape yg ak rase kan kan..sgt2 muhasabah diri, so jgn la kte sisihkan mereka, diorng tue normal cume ada kekurangan di situ, tapi kte yg normal nie pun ader kekurangan jugak kan kan, so equal...semua org sama n patut dilayan cam biasa..okay!!
someone send me a song call 'love you till the end' by pogues..time dgr2, skali ak pikir mcm lah pernah dgr tpi tak bother sgt sbb lgu cm tak best jer n hayati lirik pun cm gitu2 jer..the 2nd time dgr rase mcm btl2 familiar lah, tapi di mana ya?..pastu dgn tak puas hati, ak pun google carik lirik 1st then bukak youtube..skali jeng jeng jeng duhhhhh lagu dlm cite p/s i love u..trus sebak ea dgr lagi skali hehe sbb smbil tgk video clip citer tue..sob sob sedey wa ckp sama lu citer tue gua tangkap nangis beb(erk nape ak ckp dh mcm gengstr ni? well effect ngntuk nie)..citer tue best tapi sedey k wa chau dulu ar, ngntuk bangat!!!
p/s...guess what!!(ske sgt ble hillary swank tue ckp bnd ni last2 skali)
well act mmg takde mood btl nak tulis cause i've been sick these past few days(sore throat + fever + body ache = tido, tido n tido cam sleeping beauty jer cume hilang la sgl beauty pun, ader ker??)..n back to the story, act shashu la nie yg cam nk tau sgt jer ape gua wat kat melaka ituhari smase kejohanan futsal persatuan orang2 pekak dan bisu here it is...
act Mr. Yazid a.k.a my boss invited me to go along with the SDJO(stands for Society of deaf people in Johor)to the futsal tournament in Malacca, so i was okay with it as Mr. Yazid said, i can see for myself how they, the deaf society organize such event and along the way i may improve my sign language by mixing around with the deaf society. I must say that the trip really opens up my eyes and my mind to everything and it is a new experience for me.
(perghh ngntuk btl time taip nie)
hari sabtu tue, berkumpul dpn stadium larkin..only hanim and me who are not deaf there. frankly speaking i kind of think that oh my gosh, what the hell am i doing here standing like a lamp post,seriously i was starting to panic a bit as i dont know all the SDJO members and i cant even communicate with them cause im still new and i dont know how to use sign language that much(sigh ak hanya mampu tersenyum)while hanim is busy checking the SDJO members(btw hanim is the interpreter and she is incharge in handling the SDJO members). then there is this one girl who try to communicate with me and guess what, i misinterpreted her sign and as a result they all think that i am Hanim's sister. then naik bus politech jaybee sbb diorng pun hantar satu team ngn lecturernye skali. perjalanan mengambil masa lebih kurang 4 jam kot sbb byk kali berhenti and sampai2 dlm kul 12 lebih camtu kat hotel Farmosa Malacca.
(farmosa garden hotel..jgn silap ea,bukan A'famosa hotel yer)
(hotel ni terletak dalam kampung and tepi laut)
(blakang tue laut)
ngntuk la so smbg lagi kay!!
bye bye :
aloha :
fiuhh kene puasa laa nmpaknyer pasni, puasa ape??puasa shopping baju n kasut, puasa msg, puasa call n ext!!!!sigh inflasi~