well act mmg takde mood btl nak tulis cause i've been sick these past few days(sore throat + fever + body ache = tido, tido n tido cam sleeping beauty jer cume hilang la sgl beauty pun, ader ker??)..n back to the story, act shashu la nie yg cam nk tau sgt jer ape gua wat kat melaka ituhari smase kejohanan futsal persatuan orang2 pekak dan bisu Malaysia..so here it is...
act Mr. Yazid a.k.a my boss invited me to go along with the SDJO(stands for Society of deaf people in Johor)to the futsal tournament in Malacca, so i was okay with it as Mr. Yazid said, i can see for myself how they, the deaf society organize such event and along the way i may improve my sign language by mixing around with the deaf society. I must say that the trip really opens up my eyes and my mind to everything and it is a new experience for me.
(perghh ngntuk btl time taip nie)
hari sabtu tue, berkumpul dpn stadium larkin..only hanim and me who are not deaf there. frankly speaking i kind of think that oh my gosh, what the hell am i doing here standing like a lamp post,seriously i was starting to panic a bit as i dont know all the SDJO members and i cant even communicate with them cause im still new and i dont know how to use sign language that much(sigh ak hanya mampu tersenyum)while hanim is busy checking the SDJO members(btw hanim is the interpreter and she is incharge in handling the SDJO members). then there is this one girl who try to communicate with me and guess what, i misinterpreted her sign and as a result they all think that i am Hanim's sister. then naik bus politech jaybee sbb diorng pun hantar satu team ngn lecturernye skali. perjalanan mengambil masa lebih kurang 4 jam kot sbb byk kali berhenti and sampai2 dlm kul 12 lebih camtu kat hotel Farmosa Malacca.
(farmosa garden hotel..jgn silap ea,bukan A'famosa hotel yer)
(hotel ni terletak dalam kampung and tepi laut)
(blakang tue laut)
ngntuk la so smbg lagi kay!!
2 days ago
hehe..aliah..ni ke tempat awk keje jap, yg awk cte aritu ?
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