dear me,
oh my god, wth happen to u lately? wat's wif the sad story la ape la tue? y cant u be more grateful yer? enuf is enuf, u have to cheer up n start to let go of all the stupid feeling at once or else erkkk(buat tanda tangan zass kat leher).nyway mungkin semua ini adalah ujian yg perlu dihadapi, btl tak?? ingt senang2 jer bleh goyang kaki n ceria selalu nak hidup dlm dunia nie(tipu la tue excpt dlm tom tom bak). nak tunggu org selamat kan, alamatnya tk selamat la nanti so selamatkan la diri anda sendiri sblm diselamatkan(erkk ak dah tersampuk anak pakcik selamat nyer bahasa plak nie hehe sory kin).people make mistake u noe, that's y they r call human being n that's y juga kene selalu bertaubat(penuh keinsafan).kesilapan mendewasakan kte(ni cam ayat nana).people may hurt u but hey bukankah saling memaafi itu ahli syurga? biarlah ape pun org nk buat but make sure to stand for urself n never let them kick u down coz they dnt have the right to do that(seyes tiru ayat oprah)..there r so much more to life than the stupid little thing, so stop thinking about not being in this world!!!(bkn la nk commit suicide, nauzubillah).n by the way mungkin untuk melihat org lain gembira kte perlu korbankan kegembiraan sndiri n maybe kegembiraan org lain itu akan menggembirakan kte(lagi skali ayat putar). so hati, jgn kau bersedih, put up a heppy smile and start to cheer up..(ape yg ada dlm hati, biarlah menjadi rahsia kau seorang, acecey, ayat karat gler)
p/s --> woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets(quotes fr titanic)..wat u think i might be thinking may be wrong so let it be n go figure out~~~~
2 days ago
alia, lame gak x jmpa.. hehehe...
makin puitis la anda sekarang. cewah, bleh jd novelist x?
kite cm x dpt ikut je pi bercuti itu... sadis :(
yeah, save urself b4 anyone save u...
midahhhhhhhhhhh hehe puitis ker??(nie sme sbb setahun duk sebilik ngn nana ar nie haha)..ha pasal bercuti tue mcm cancel jer sbb tk cukup org ar dotss..nyway kalau u all nk turun jaybe duk umah i, nanti kte bwk gi jejalan!!!!
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