Last night my housemates and I went out for a dinner at SABA' me, we ate like we wont have to eat for another 10 days..i ordered my usual menu and same goes with Parvin (well call us nerd haha) but Shashu ordered something new, well a lot of thing actually which she thought was only small portion (thanks to the images shown in the menu, so NOT true) but when it came to our table,we already know that none of us could have finish such large portion of food (sumpah banyak nak mati yang kalau orang frust guling2 putus cinta pun tak boleh nak abis makan)..the thing is those food were DAMN NICE, seriously (nak kawin ngan chef yg pandai masak makanan arab ar, confirm aku jadi obese)..silap ar tak ambik gambar, takpe2 nanti next time aku gi, ak snap pic skali...ader satu menu ni tak ingat la ape ntah name die tapi lebih kurang cam roti canai, PERGHHHHH SEDAP nak mati okay, kalah sume roti canai yg pernah aku makan sebelum nie, confirm KALAH...HEAVEN ar food kat SABA'...sape2 nak gi nanti aku bawak dgn syarat belanja la kay haha..
tapi kul 4 pagi tadi aku bangun perut lapar bunyi2 macam dah 10 hari tak makan, ape cer???
owh yeah supposely nak balik jb gi jumper doctor nak cek tangan balik, tak baik2 macam palpitation gak la aku asyik pikir2 worse case scenario jer TAPIIIII hurm ayah tak jadi balik so maleh nak nek bus soooo sapu jer la voltaren dulu wat mase ni...sesungguhnya sakit itu penghapus dosa (mesti byk nie dosa aku buat nie kan)
p/s : eh aku promote SABA' ni tak dapat pape ker hehe
1 day ago
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