SERIOUSLY(gaya izzie ckp), i'm very sleepy rite now hurmm i wonder if maybe its the effect of the heavy dinner..oh my god, my legs r so sore(i dont noe y but it feels like i've been running 100m). i wanted to declare that today is the BAD DAY because almost everyone i met is 'bang-bang'(1st time using this word). Maybe bcoz this is the 1st day after a long break(padahal seminggu jer) so td pagi bgn pun mcm tak prepare utk gi kelas(tpi semangat tu ader cume tu la preparation 55% jer)..tapi everytime rase cam malas jer terus teringat kate2 Salleh "perjuangan belum selesai lagi" hehe tq salleh kejut ak pagi2 buta(tk bleh blah)..then td rase cam agak bengong2 skit laa time prof latif explain pasal overview utk this block. then cam time prof nasar nyer class mule2 semangat tu mmg wah sgt best la(almost 100%) then i start to worry too much 4 this week, then dah pukul 11 am tetibe cam tak leh nk concentrate atas sbb yg tak bleh nak dixplainkan hehehe(midot jer tau), then ader 'unofficial break' jap(prof call org), so after tu cam okay balik. Tapi stat jer masuk pasal superior mediaSTINUM dah pening2 balik(aduh aper nie, retro bla, intermediate bla WATEVER)..rase cam nak ckp ngn prof 'plez STOP the MUSIC eh SCTL hehe'..pastu ngntuk gler plak(padahal tgh mkn mentos colour orange 2 pelik2), tgk mdah kat sblh dah lost laa die gi mane, bhav plak ckp 'i cant take it nymore', era plak suruh nana salin 2 copy, tgk zue mcm sdg bertahan, parvin jer laa satu2 nyer harapan utk i pinjam notes die sbb my note errrrr kind of UNDESCRIBABLE......

~my nice scribbling notes~

ha pastu berita yg agak sedih plak bleh Dr Hafiz ckp die rombak mentor mentee or as prof hamdan said tutor tutee(OXFORD tuuu) hehe..sedih terpisah ngn bhav n my beloved mentor,ishani(x-mentor la)..skng my new mentor wud be Wafa(takpe2 blaja2 betul2, go go)..tapi cter nyer lain plak tadi sbb wafa ader class eng agak lmbt so terpaksa exchange tutor tutee hari ni jap. Nubla n I pun join era ngn mentor die Niza, okay laa die ajar(kitrng blaja drawing tau) hehe well as the mentor said " i think u all shud draw the heart then u all can appreciate it more, u noe"..nything u said mentor...tapi cam agak nervous(...) gak laa tadi(only mom noes y)...

~my masterpiece of the HEART( yg dah diinervate ngn segala2nyer)~

tak tau aaa rase cam nak jerit jer hari nie tak tau nape (ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH).
skng nie berpegang pada semangat yg Salleh berikan"aliah,ingt perjuangan masih perlu diteruskan" insyaallah~