~study mode~

Alhamdullilah, after all the hyperventilation mode this past one month, finally the semester break is here(fiuh). Respiratory system wud be one of the best block ever..thanx Dr hafiz for the PAL(peer assist learning) programe..thanx to my mentor,Ishani(yeah we r the best mentor mentee group, bhav chayo2 we can do it)..isha,remind me to give u something later!!..Best laa BBQ kat umah dr hafiz although we sesat so many times(nsb baik ayah era yg drive).cam sgt2 terharu ngan all the hard works that dr hafiz wat.(TQ so much)..aiman, kakak dah prove dat "i not stupid hehe", thanx 4 being my idol.

Thanx so much to mama n abah era(tq mkck n pkck), cam sgt terharu sbb diorng snggup antar smpai umah, best2 perjalanan yg jauh..era, aboi n akai pun cam best, cume aboi cam senyap jerk hehe sopan..basically dlm kete cam tido jerk sbb sgt penat..rase cam tak terbalas budi yg diorng wat,hanye Allah SWT yang bleh balaskan utk all of u guys,THANX. This is where i realize sumthing, tak sume org tu ade belas and ader rase sikap tolong menolong..ader org yg hanyer pentingkan diri sendiri and kalau takde kepentingan pade diri die sndiri maka die tak perlulah susah kan diri. Maybe suatu hari nanti Allah SWT akan tunjukkan jln kebenaran pada org2 yg sedemikian(harap2, im not in that group, insyaallah)..so i wud say that juz be professional laa with that kind of people. Kalau nak wat sistem barter pun leh gak cume kdg2 tak smpai hati. One thing i wud like to say to that kind of people is, stop being a hipocrit..

p/s : lupe nak ckp yg era n me pakai baju kurung blk jb, hahaha sbb tk sempat tukar after majlis Dr Hafiz..
(dalam perjalanan gi kedai makan)..
Era : aliah, kite jd sopan laa hari ni.
Mie : a'a laa hehe
Mama Era : ha bagus, cam anak dara sunti(tk bleh blh)
Era : barulah sejuk hati mak mentua pdg..
Mie : yeah
Era : terus jd fav anak menantu
Mie : yup jeles anak menantu yg lain

Tetibe ader laa mat2 motor yg tgh lepak kat motor..."assalamualaikum, jln baik2"

Mama Era : ha kan baru cakap
Mie n Era : hahaha(burst out laughing)


~do not disturb, i'm on a vacation~


happy hols AL!!

i've problem with my respi system laa..haha..runny nose!uwawawa

huhu.. sumpah pki bj kurung blk jhr? xleh lwn gua r.. pki bj kurung g klcc.. sajer.. bwat gle.. heheh..

kne ngorat>>>>