~Dont blame me for being a shopaholic~

Wow how nice is it the smell of new clothes, the sleek and shiny jeans and the colours that fill the atmosphere(cam addicted plak). Takde laa, act nak ckp yg i love shopping(who says money is not important??).hehe td gi shopping with my mom, my elder sis n my cousin. Gi jusco tebrau jer but sbb dah lame tak gi shopping, terperap jer kat 'cyberia yg tak ceria' tu so cam agak excited laa. Basically cam nak cari seluar jer(ingt tak pasal seluar yg diturun kan colour 2?? kalau tak, sila rujuk cerita sblm2 ni) tapi well biase laa bile dah nampak yg lain abis hehe. One more thing seronok bler gi ngn mom nie, sbb nyer "its her money" n we just have to pick wat we want(best kan), well bagi sape yg dah ader balak 2, maybe sian laa gak sbb have to spend for their gf(kalau dah berduit okay laa but if still blajar cam tak perlu laa).So who says yg most mother is not fashionable?? well im really THANKFUL for having a mother who is quite fashionista(she watch E! channel so she noes wat lindsay lohan, hillary duff and jessica alba wears). Tapi kadang2....

Mommy : aliah nak pakai baju camni?
Aliah : uish tak nak aa, segan jer.
Mommy : ape plak, lawa aper, ni fashion budak2 skrng.
Aliah : hurm(2nd thought)
Mommy : try jer laa
Aliah : well its ur money(jgn tak pakai sudah)

~love her fashion sense~

Yang klakarnyer kan, mesti baju yg my mom pilih 1st2 mesti pink colour...

Aliah : umi ni suke pink2, setiap kali mesti punyer.
Mommy : well i like pink, its sweet n nice for u gurls.
Aliah : yeah thats y bhav told me i love pink(rolling eyes)

~one of the best actress who is fashion WISE~

Tadi mase kat PADINI memang dh pilih dah baju pink but suddenly i saw this very damn gorgeous blouse, orange in colour(mmg stylo gler aa) so bye2 pink, aloha orange!!!Then gi plak masuk VOIR, act nak beli satu jer sluar but then....

Mommy : aliah nak sluar hitam tak??
Aliah : erm ntah laa, tak kisah.
Mommy : ambik laa nanti tak yah beli2 lagi
Aliah : well, its ur money, honey!!hehe

So kesimpulan nyer "1+1=black n cream pants"...

Petangnyer plak gi jusco tmn u(bkn promote jusco okay), jumpe teman2 lame(kwn time kecik2 dulu time pakai tudung pun benut2 lagi)..Yana, ikin and saifa...Best2 sgt dpt hang out together2 n catch up evrything...then ktrg beli the same bracelet(fwenship bracelet), comel sgt..hurm so blk jer dr berjalan, mmg sgt exhausted but heppy laa, alhamdullilah...

~fwenship bracelet~